Supervision &Â Practicum Placements
What to expect
I have supervised emerging therapists in a variety of professional settings. Professionally, I have over 23 years of experience, ranging from frontline social work to private practice.
Goals for supervision will be mutually agreed upon and the content for supervision will focus on the acquisition of knowledge, conceptualization, and skills within the defined scope of practice.
Practicum students or private supervisees can expect to develop the following skills
Counselling skills (reflective listening, rapport building, paraphrasing, probing, challenging, etc).
Assessment/History taking (asking questions in a skilled and artful way)
Strengthening case conceptualization and treatment planning skills
Exploring interventions the supervisee is initiating during therapy with the client
How to end sessions on time
How to be a trauma-informed therapist
Teachings on trauma and the body
Ethical considerations
How to start treatment, conduct a midway evaluation, the termination process and discharge planning
Researching community resources for clients when necessary
Responding to questions on how to run a private practice
Practice Management Software: charting, scheduling, billing, and managing sliding scale clients
Access to taped trainings and other resources
Ideally the supervisor will confidently be able to identify the problem in collaboration with the client, develop a solid case conceptualization and learn how to target treatment to help the client reach their goals, or address the reasons they sought treatment in the first place.